water conductivity

英 [ˈwɔːtə(r) ˌkɒndʌkˈtɪvəti] 美 [ˈwɔːtər ˌkɑːndʌkˈtɪvəti]




  1. Water Conductivity Control of Water Cooling System in PET Cyclotron
  2. Character of soil air permeability and its relationship with water conductivity in Changwu, loess region of China
  3. Research of relation between air conditioning cooling water conductivity and iron corrosion velocity
  4. Water conductivity must be measured accurately using calibrated instrumentation.
  5. Temperature Compensation Formula Correction and Error Analysis of Neutral Pure Water Conductivity
  6. Based on the soil of runoff plot in the loess hilly areas, the soil hydraulic properties have been measured, which are the soil water retention curve, soil water diffusion and soil water conductivity.
  7. Uses PLC control technology and Kingview software technology, designs and implements automatic control of the boiler feed water conductivity value and the real-time computer control and monitoring.
  8. Temperature Effect of Soil Unsaturated Water Conductivity
  9. Test Study on temperature coefficient for highly pure water conductivity and hydrogen conductivity in power plant
  10. An experiment was conducted in an aeration system to find the effect of the salt concentration on the oxygen transfer coefficient, and the results showed no significant differences in the values of the oxygen transfer coefficient when the water conductivity is less than 1300 μ s/ cm.
  11. By testing and analysing saturated water conductivity, water characteristic curve and water constants in sandy soi with different organic matter contents, the relationship between sandy soil organic matter and hydrodynamic parameters I; studied.
  12. Porosity is the leading factor influencing water conductivity in loess soils
  13. It presents that by testing the vertical natural and artificial flow field it can determine the coefficient of permeability, static water level of various aquifers, coefficient of water conductivity and the classification method of aquifers.
  14. Icing weight and icing water conductivity are the two independent parameters which affect on the lowest AC flashover voltage of icing composite insulators.
  15. The reasons for this are: ( 1) top soil has lower water conductivity;
  16. Darcy's law was first successfully applied in analyzing water conductivity characteristics of xylem on above basis.
  17. While, there is not a distinct effect of water conductivity on the initiative voltage.
  18. The method eliminates the error generated by capacitance effect in alternative current method to measure water conductivity.
  19. A "dual water conductivity model" of low-resistivity reservoir with free water and irreducible water is built.
  20. The few fine-gains mixed within the inflow irrigation water are not the cause of the lowering of the water conductivity rate of surface soil under the surge flow irrigation.
  21. Results show that: After magnetic treatment, the water conductivity decrease and the value of the surface tension drop.
  22. In this study, the LinGuo have the biggest influence of water conductivity, or it reflects its ability to the ion adsorptive capacity as well as to the nutrient holding ability.
  23. There may be lots of major geological disasters including the experience of large river system, development of major weakness, rich water, good water conductivity fault, there are significant geophysical anomaly segment.
  24. The results show that the streamer velocity is to be constant during the propagation and is about 30km/ s; the water conductivity has no influence on the propagation velocity of the streamer.
  25. Considering the applied voltage as an important parameter, unit number, the ice quality, freezing water conductivity and ice sewage were combined to put forward comprehensive correction formula of minimum AC voltage of the insulators in a complex environment.
  26. By changing the experimental parameters, the effects of water conductivity and gap distance on electrical properties and the discharge morphology have been investigated.
  27. By using the optical and electrical diagnostics, the characteristics of the pulsed corona discharge have been investigated in the coaxial rod-to-cylinder electrode, and the effect of water conductivity on the corona discharge was studied.
  28. The rime-ice with dry-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage and the insulator configuration while the glaze-ice with wet-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage, the insulator configuration, the insulator material, and the freezing water conductivity.
  29. This shows that rice water conductivity can measure taste quality of cooked rice of different varieties.
  30. Through experiments, typical waveforms of PAED, and discharge characteristics of different electrode gap, different water conductivity were got.